Indigenous awards 

Awards, scholarships and bursaries are funding that students do not need to repay.   

Whether you are starting your very first semester or continuing your studies, a student award in the form of a scholarship or bursary can help you achieve your goals! Awards are available for full-time or part-time Indigenous students in certificate, diploma or degree programs.  

Step-by-step instructions

Step 1:   Login to your  account and select the student tab. 

Step 2:   Go to Indigenous Self Identification under “My Useful Links”. 

Step 3:   Read through carefully and self-identify. 

Step 4:   Once submitted, return to the student tab. 

Step 5:   Go to “Financial Aid” under the financial column. 

Step 6:   Select web application. 

Step 7:   Scroll down the page to select an application to apply to. 

Step 8:   Select Indigenous awards. 


  • Complete the required fields.
  • Save section to continue. 


  • Provide as much detail as possible, the awards committee reviews all information when adjudicating awards.
  • Save section to continue. 


  • Click on any attributes relevant to your situation.
  • Save section to continue. 


  • Ƶ now uses a regional average cost of living; itemized expenses are no longer required.
  • Complete the worksheet based on your study period, NOT the entire year.
  • Applications with $0 income are considered incomplete.  Please outline how you will be paying for your semester's tuition. For example, student loan funding, RESP, sponsorship, savings.
  • Save section to continue. 


  • Review the criteria for each award carefully. Make sure you apply for the ones where you meet the criteria.
  • Click the box on the left-hand side if you feel you meet the criteria for a specific award.
  • Go to the bottom right area and use the drop-down arrow under “Per Page” to select 100. This way, you can view all available awards.  

Step 14:   FINAL STEPS: 

  • Click “Save all sections.”
  • Click “Mark application as complete.”
  • Select “Yes” for the declaration page.
  • Click “Continue” (which will take you back to the main awards page). 

Good luck, and may you find the perfect award to support your studies! 

Related questions

What is the deadline for fall Indigenous awards? 
Applications open July 1 and are due by September 15. 
What is the deadline for winter Indigenous awards? 
Applications open December 1 and are due by February 15. 

What is the deadline for summer Indigenous awards? 
Applications open March 1 and are due by May 31. 
Do I have to have an Indian status to apply? 
No, majority of our awards for Indigenous students require students to self-identify as Indigenous (First Nations, Métis, or Inuit) in their myOkanagan.  

How do I self-identify as Indigenous?    

  • Log in to your myOkanagan account.
  • Select the student tab.
  • Go to Indigenous Self Identification under “My Useful Links”.
  • Read through the information carefully and select what applies to you.
  • Agree and submit. 

What documents do I need to upload? 
Some awards require additional documentation. This might include proof of status or membership with a specific band or nation.  

When are additional documents due after I apply for awards?  
Documentation must be received in the financial aid & awards office or email, before the closing date.  

Where do I submit additional documentation for awards? 
You can email additional documentation to Please include your full name and student ID# in your email.  

Can I apply for awards if I am sponsored? 
Absolutely! For more information and step-by-step instructions, visit our awards page: /financial-aid-and-awards/awards-scholarships-and-bursaries

Do I have to have a Métis citizenship to apply? 
No, majority of the awards for Indigenous students require students to self-identify as Indigenous (First Nations, Métis, or Inuit) in their myOkanagan. 

When will I know if I won any awards? 
Students can track the awards that have been applied for through their myOkanagan account.  

  • Log into your myOkanagan
  • Go to financial aid in “My Student Resources” section under “Financial”
  • Click on “Awards Won” to see the awards you have received

Okanagan college awards office will also reach out to successful recipients via email.   

Resources and links 


Next steps  

Once students have submitted their application, they can track the status of the awards that have been applied for through their myOkanagan account. Selection begins after the closing date, and successful recipients will be notified via email.  

Last updated on Thursday, March 6th, 2025

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